Thursday, May 30, 2013

Untitled because I'm a blogging loser, or with any luck, a blogger temporarily lost.

Over the past couple of days, a new secret group has emerged on Facebook.  A group trying to gather the big bloggers from the MySpace days.  I'm in because I'm still friends with several of them...and I asked.  

Back at MS within this group, I was the wallflower.  (I did have one blog that was #1 in one specific category for one week and that still baffles me.)  There was this inner desire to be crass as a lot of these bloggers, but only sounded like an idiot when I spoke.

As of yesterday, none of this has changed.  Wallflower with a couple of likes here and there, answer a couple of questions, try to be funny - failing or flailing - whichever you prefer.

It's still fun.  Most have matured over the past 5+ years.  Many have not.  Too many of the past group have died.  

I am trying to figure out if the continuing observations I am having more closely mimic middle school drama or watching the monkeys fling their poo.  Happily, I can say there hasn't been a huge amount of poo-flinging.  Enough to make many people come into the group, only to promptly leave.  But not near the amount that was happening that final year at MySpace.

I wanna watch.  It's fascinating.  It should probably concern me that within some of these NSFW blogs, there are small bits that inspire me.  There are much better places to find inspiration, but they aren't near as fun.  Living vicariously through their words knowing completely that I could never actually say or do *those things*.  I tried to say them!  Even with the fake name account that I can't recall, I couldn't.  Just couldn't.  I can read them, though.  

So begins my journey of taking some time to pour something on to a page that is readable.  Interesting.  Hopefully humorous.  So while many people won't see any value to certain bloggers being re-ignited, it has nudged me into a little corner to do something.  For that, I thank them for unwittingly them for the nudge.

After officially boring myself, time to retreat.  Fingers crossed for an inspiration and a bit of motivation. Ready for this weekend to be over.  

CHEERS to dysFUNction!

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